Monday, June 20, 2005

Atrocious analogy�-�Commentary�-�The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Atrocious analogy�-�Commentary�-�The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Mark Steyn Bats It Home Again!
I love reading Mark's columns... As a matter of fact if I knew him personally I might be in danger of being accused of being a Mark Steyn sycophant. He does great work! Cuts to the chase and tells it like it is. He does it here again. Senator Durban's comments last week are indicative of the way in which so many (most often on the left) are continually going over the top... indeed, into hyperspace (you know... space cadet, lunatic, completly idiotic...etc.etc.) in their debate or commentary on important issues. All logic seems lost and arguments... you can't even call them that in any intellectual sense... lose any validity whatsoever when the type of screaming hyperbole and hyjacked language used by Durban and so many others... some of which are even purported to have some level of intelligence... finds its way into the public discourse. Steyn is right... shame on him and shame on those of his collegues and supporters who will not shame him. And, might I add, shame on those in the media who will not call him to task.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Stephen Harper hopes to bolster image this summer, showing sunny disposition - Yahoo! News

Stephen Harper hopes to bolster image this summer, showing %u2018sunny disposition%u2019 - Yahoo! News
So... my Eastern Canadian friends... what more do you want?
Deputy party leader Peter MacKay says for all kinds of reasons, people have a misperception of Harper.

MacKay says Harper is smart, honest, hard working and funny.

I guess you could have a Mr. Happy Face all the time... with a sinister motive, or lack of moral fibre... perhaps an out right liar... Beware of what lurks behind those always smiling eyes... As for me I'd rather have a leader, a Prime Minister, who is obviously thinking, pondering and perhaps even praying... who has the good of the country in mind. One who will run a sober, prudent and, yes, hopefully even conservative, government in the land. It seems to me that "SMART, HONEST, HARDWORKING AND FUNNY" is a pretty darn good place to start! I especially like the honest part... what a novel concept. My good friend Judi The Manners Lady, Judi Vankevich said recently... "I think a few people in Ottawa need to remember a few good manners -- like don't lie... don't steal..." Honesty... what a novel concept! But I suppose we could continue to wallow in the slop of dishonesty, outright lying, theft and corruption that we've become accustomed to under the Liberals. I don't know about you but I would much prefer some integrity in leadership. Come on Ontario! come on Quebec! Come on Maritimes! Lets have good, honest and fair government for a change!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Re: Original Dosanjh/Murphy Recordings Clean...

Miscellaneous Neale News.
Original Murphy/Dosanjh recordings clean and unaltered.
I felt from the beginning that the "Tapes are altered" defense was rather specious argument designed by the Liberals to provide cover and deflection. It is a tremendously sad state of affairs! BUT NOW it is time for Martin, and his Cabinet Minister, Dosanjh, to start answering some questions and take Ministerial responsibility for this outrageous affront to our parliamentary democracy! It is also time for the Canadian media to be held to account as they need to be asking the serious questions... and pound them home until they get the answers. In my view they have not acted at all responsibly on this file. It is unfathomable to me that they have defected all the blame finger-pointing on this to Grewal. Now I am not defending Grewal... I don't know him... his actions may be such that he is a political sleazebag too. I simply do not know for sure. However even if the worst about him is true, his actions in this affair do not even come close to the corrupt and dangerous activities clearly undertaken by the Minister and Murphy with what seems to be the very obvious complicity of the Prime Minister. Time for some answers and time for some heads to roll!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

National Post

National Post
High Court To Rule on Private-Care Ban.
It will be interesting to see the decision on this. While I do like and support our medical care system, I also acknowledge that medical care, constitutionally, is a provincial jurisdiction that the Feds have been intruding on for way to long now. Many are so attached to the system even refering to it as a Canadian Icon in and of itself. Whether we agree with this characterization or not is, in my view, the lesser point. If we can, usually through the Federal Government, set the constitution at not according to any whim or pleasure, then we are not ruled nor governed by law. As we have seen of late there seems practically little left of any legality when in comes to our government anyway... and the Grits appear to be up in the pols... go figure! I guess that as long as we are :"fat and happy" (and I might add... docile) then who cares about laws and constitutionality and all those trivial niceties? Its all fun until we wake up and find we have no rights or legal standing left... Eat up!

Monday, June 06, 2005 | O'Brien's move triggers fears of election call | O'Brien's move triggers fears of election call
Good for Mr. O'Brien. It is gratifying to see someone make a bold move based on the strength of his convictions. I hope more will follow. I will be sending him a "thank you" letter.

Re: Canada's Puppet Police Force

Canada's puppet police force

(This is an excerpt from the above noted/linked article by Licia Corbella)
“… I said something like: ‘If it's true Grewal was approached by the Liberals to defect prior to the non-confidence vote in the House for a plum political position, instead of just taping his calls and meetings with the Liberals, he should have got the RCMP to do it, then the veracity of his claims would not be questioned.’

My friend's response: ‘The RCMP would have just tipped off the Liberals as to what was happening. The RCMP is a Liberal puppet.’”

It is a shame that there is even sentiment like this pervading our society. I remember a time when the institution of the RCMP was well beyond any reproach. When I was a young man, shortly out of high school, I had befriended a couple of newly recruited Mounties. They were both from different areas across the country and they were stationed in my home town of Langley. B.C. and they were both absolutely thrilled about their career choice. About a year later one of the guys got married to his sweet heart back home and upon their return I was invited over to meet his bride. As I was viewing their wedding photos I was struck by the strongly patriotic nature of the groom’s vivid red dress Surge. There he stood, before my own eyes, and now in the person of a friend, this symbolic figure that was first, and years before, enshrined in my childhood psyche as a uniquely Canadian hero. A commanding presence he was, and his stature was added to by both his flat brimmed Stetson and the brown Strathcona boots he wore to round out the uniform. Here he was this symbol of Canada along side his bride in white. It was an awe-inspiring site! It was much more than a wedding picture, it was truly a symbol of our nation. It typified all that was good and wholesome and honorable about Canada.

There are many, and I suspect most, Mounties who still feel the same way about their profession that my pals did and for that we should all be grateful. However, as has been the demise of our military, through government neglect, malfeasance and corruption, as well as its continuous attempts to appease the storm troopers of political correctness, our political masters have brought ruination to that which once was a majestic symbol of all that was great about Canada. The RCMP has, over a short period of about twenty years or so, become a mere shadow of what it once was, both as an institution and as a Canadian cultural icon. That, my friends, is both a shame and a scandal.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Canadian Political Corruption

Hello Friends:
The sickening and disheartening revelations just keep coming! At this point it really ought not to matter if you are Conservative, Liberal, NDP, something else or even “apolitical”. Our current government has obviously lost its moral foundation. It does not have to be this way! But it will only get worse... And I believe that the situation is already very dangerous, to dangerous to be ignored or shrugged off as “business as usual”. From what I have seen so far I believe that there are people, some in high offices of our government, that should go to jail for the scandalous and corrupt goings on of late. Yet, if news reports are to be believed, “most Canadians don’t even want to go to the polls right now.” Unbelievable and irresponsible! Rome is burning... And here we are, collectively, like Nero, standing on the summit of the Palantine playing our lyre as the flames of corruption, deceit, dishonesty and complete moral rot devour the pillars of our freedom, democracy and parliamentary process. Folks... It really is high time we got out the hose and flushed this crew! Please read the articles... Forward this along to your email lists... And then ACT! Take what ever measures you can. Join a group, join a political party (preferably Conservative), help a candidate that you feel is honest and has integrity to get elected, send emails or letters, make phone calls, send letters to the editor, make financial contributions to groups or individuals that are doing battle for causes you believe in or who are working to bring this government down. Call some Liberal MP’s across the country who you think have some integrity and similar values (Yes I think there are some) and plead with them not to let this continue. Please don’t just shrug and do nothing... Do something.