Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Hill's Blog Briefing Room � DeMint: Capitol Visitor Center Fails to Honor Faith

The Hill's Blog Briefing Room � DeMint: Capitol Visitor Center Fails to Honor Faith: "“The fundamental principles of the freedom we enjoy in this country stem from our Founding Fathers’ beliefs in a higher power, beliefs put forth in the Declaration of Independence and manifest throughout our Constitution,” said Senator DeMint. “If we cease to acknowledge this fact, we may cease to enjoy some of the freedoms we take for granted. We must not censor historical references to God for the sake of political correctness. And we must truthfully represent the limited form of government the Constitution lays out so that our ‘government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’ So help us God.”"

Read DeMint's full statement. Bravo Senator! 

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A New "Coalition" government... NO!

Here is my take on the recent developments with respect to the Liberal-NDP-BQ coalition:

Firstly, and this needs to be clear, the Members of Parliament, in the final analysis, are voted individually to seat in the Commons. They are constitutionally "free" to band together in any manner they so choose. That means that the maneuver they are considering is constitutionally legitimate. 

It is also the case that PM Harper is within his rights to ask the Governor General to request dissolution of parliament and a new election. Conventionally the GG has not (save once) refused such a request although technically she could and instead call upon Dion, or any other Member of the House, to form a new government. 

In keeping with parliamentary tradition the GG should, if requested, dissolve parliament and call a new election. My main reasoning for this is that in the recent election Canadians soundly rejected the Liberals, and in particular Dion. None of the parties who are party to this coalition agreement even came close to the Conservatives in popular votes or in accumulated seats in the House of Commons. People either voted for Lib, Cons, NDP, Green or (in Quebec) the Bloc... they did not vote for the bloc and according to Norman Spector the individual parties, during the campaign, expressly said they would not work in a coalition.

The Conservatives under Harper, and in a minority situation have arguably governed very well. None of the despicable scandals that continually attended the Liberal goverments under both Chretien and Martin. Frankly I do not think that the Liberals have been in the political wilderness anywhere near long enough to atone for their unprecedented arrogance and their vast array of political sins and misdeeds while they were in office.

About the issues that supposedly precipitated this crisis:
My first major point is this... and it deserves some critical thought and evaluation on the part of the Canadian citizenry... The main issue that seems to have led to this is that Harper & his Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty, announced that they were going kick the squeeling, snorting pigs of the political parties from the public trough. There would no longer be public financing for the political parties. This was done, at least in part, to set an example for the public. The politicians would tighten their belt first before they asked the civil service and the public to do the same. And... the Conservative party stood to lose the most given the current formula because they have the most votes and the money is doled out on a $1.95 per vote won basis! Now... admittedly, there is a political poison pill involved here too. BUT... in my view it is a very legitimate one. It is that the other political parties would loose more, by way of percentage, of their over all political party funding than would the Conservative Party. Why would this be? Because more average individual Canadians give more money in donations to the Conservative party than they do to the other parties. Let that sink in for a minute! HELLO!!! That means that more Canadians support the Conservative Party...  democracy with your pocket book! But alas... this unfortunate detail upsets the other parties enough to band together and upset the results of the recent election.  - It reminds me of the Talk Radio issue in the US. Conservative talk radio has a huge market in the US (and elsewhere I might add) and the Liberal talk radio does not and thus can not stay afloat because they do not have a significant listener base... imagine that! If there was a market for their "ideas" then they they would capture a significant listener base and there would be counterparts to Rush and Sean and Glenn and Michael, etc. , all over the place. But there are not... none of any significance. So what do the liberals want to do... they want the government to declare it "unfair" (the "fairness doctrine" - don't make me laugh... ) and shut down talk radio because they can not compete. this is the same thought pattern that we are seeing at play here presently. - The other parties want to wallow in the public trough and get through taxes that which the majority of us will not give them of our own free will and choice.

The other issue they are wailing about is the fact that Flaherty did not include a "stimulus package" in his recent economic update. that is because WE DO NOT NEED An ECONOMIC STIMULUS at this point. Largely because of the Conservative governments of Mulroney and Harper and yes I would also give some credit to Martin when he was Finance Minister, we have entered this world financial crisis in amazingly positive shape. Our financial system and our banks are in very solid shape. In the Economic Update Harper and Flaherty have charted a very prudent course. They have not been reckless and they want to avoid a structural deficit situation and yet they have not closed the door on a stimulus package if one becomes required. The coalition group on the other hand is already proceeding full steam ahead on on a reckless course of announcing their plan of Billions of OUR DOLLARS for a stimulus package. Well think about it! Those billions have to come from somewhere... service cuts, higher taxes, huge deficits (which are simply taxes that are due tomorrow!) or printing more money thus causing the value of the existing money in circulation... and in our pockets, to be severely reduced. Which option do you like?! 

 I favor the prudent course of the Harper Conservative government. I know it is not exciting and "sexy" like the rip offs and scandals that the Liberals are used to, but it is stable and if there is one thing that is vital in both government and in the economy right now, it is stability!

One more thing... This maneuver is a certain affront to the WEST! the Premier of Alberta, and others of his counterparts, should be on the phone to the players of those three parties and perhaps to the GG's office and stating, emphatically,  that if they pull this off... We are out of here... Period!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

CANOE -- CNEWS - Politics: Grit MP proposes new cellphone legislation

CANOE -- CNEWS - Politics: Grit MP proposes new cellphone legislation

Proposed by a Grit... Huh! I like it anyway. I am surprised that it has taken so long for someone to come up with this. Drives me NUTS!! I too believe we have been being hosed by the cell phone companies. In my own experience, we bought a "family Plan" over the phone and of course could not really understand all the ins and outs of the agreement as dictated in a few seconds over the phone. Didn't realize that there were only 100 daytime minutes between all three users... hello! That does not go anywhere. Well once the free stuff was over for a few months then all of a sudden I started getting $400. - 500. bills... Yikes.... So I'd phone each month and something would get adjusted and the bill reduced... etc. etc. This went on for a few months with "unlimited texting" that really wasn't unlimited and other things we were trying to get right. Anoying, anoying! Finally I had enough. Ended up costing me $400. to cancel the contract and I still have the 3 phones sitting in my desk. Great! I still have my own phone and It costs me just under $100. month. I don't even text!

The other thing that really bugs me is that I can't even get a North American One Rate plan in Canada. You can get them all day long in the US and they include Canada. They are even at a decent rate... Yes, that is what real competition will do.

I agree with  Mr. McGuinty and I think that PM Harper and the Conservatives should fast track this one through!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thursday, May 01, 2008

John McCain on Health Care on National Review Online

John McCain on Health Care on National Review Online

J. Patrick Rooney & Dan Perrin on Health Care & John McCain on National Review Online

J. Patrick Rooney & Dan Perrin on Health Care & John McCain on National Review Online

Hey... What's happening here! Is John McCain going to make me eat my words? Well I am still quite uncertain as to the Republican nominee but I must admit to being pleasantly surprised so far. His leading out on the heath insurance issue as well as his position on it are, quite simply, smart on a few levels! Now... who will he pick as VP? here are my choices: (in order)
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
Pat Buchanan
Matt Blunt
Duncan Hunter

Other interesting considerations:
Marsha Blackburn
Tim Pawlenty
Jim Demint

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

View topic - Bill C-51 (must read) :: Free Dominion - Principled Conservative - Party and Canadian Politics - Canada Blogs

View topic - Bill C-51 (must read) :: Free Dominion - Principled Conservative - Party and Canadian Politics - Canada Blogs: "Bill C-51
I am writing you concerning a subject that affects all Canadians.

On April 8, 2008, the Minister of Health in Canada introduced Bill C-51 into the House of Commons. This Bill proposes significant changes to the current Food and Drugs Act that would allow our government to bypass parliamentary and senate approvals on new laws introduced in Canada. It also authorizes the enforcement without judicial review.

If we allow the sidestepping of elected officials, we are allowing our government to subject us to laws that are not the will of the people in Canada. The judicial system was built into our government to prevent abuse and protect us from individuals who may have an ulterior motive to enforcing actions against us.

Aside from the items above, this law is so broad as to warrant enforcement on the average person who grows a herb garden and shares it with his / her neighbors.

Another concern is enforcement of the new law. It would allow the government sweeping powers to seize bank accounts and property without a warrant and levy fines of up to $5,000,000,00 and 2 years in jail per offence.......Continued

Bill C-51: Ominous for Canada and USA!! - Care2 News Network

Bill C-51: Ominous for Canada and USA!! - Care2 News Network

I Withdraw My Support From the CPC - Mike Brock: Forward and Onward

I Withdraw My Support From the CPC - Mike Brock: Forward and Onward
Re; Bill C-51
I have run in to this blog by Mike Brock and he seems to have hit the nerve of this whole issue... as it was under my radar screen as well. My feelings currently are similar to his! I have contacted my MP, Rick Casson and I am awaiting his response to my questions. If the Conservatives plow this one through it could kill any hope of reelection! Please contact your MP and the Minister responsible.

It's Worse Than I Thought - Mike Brock: Forward and Onward

It's Worse Than I Thought - Mike Brock: Forward and Onward: "It's Worse Than I Thought
By Mike Brock on April 26, 2008 3:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBacks (0)
Further to yesterdays outrage post, I have received quite a bit of feedback. �But I was very interested where some of that feedback has originated.

Late last night, a CPC staffer, who asked not to be named, leaked me a set of memos and legal briefs on C-51, establishing not only do the Conservatives want this bill passed, but the PMO is putting it's full weight behind getting it through, in it's current form.

Needless to say, this is not a Liberal leftover bill as some commenters have pondered. �It is a purebred Conservative bill, and it would appear that many cabinet ministers are lucidly aware of it's contents, as is the PMO.

I also received a phone call from someone who would remain nameless, who notes that very little if any external consultation was done for this bill. �There was no consultation with provincial health ministries, none with potentially other interested parties. �

This bill literally looks like something the Conservatives want to silently ram through parliament. We must deny them that.

E-mail or call your MP. �Deluge newspapers with editorial comments, etc. �Stop this additional incursion into civil liberties."


Mike Brock: Forward and Onward

Mike Brock: Forward and Onward

Canadian Watcher

Canadian Watcher

Canada: Bill C-51, a dangerous game they're playing!!!

I would never have thought this bill would reach 2nd reading stage under Stephen Harper and a Conservative Government... but it has! We need to act now to KILL it!

See the linked articles and then ACT.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

YouTube - CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.

YouTube - CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.

"I miss spoke." Ha...ha...ha...hee...hee...hee...ho...ho...ho... The case of the lying Clinton. Ho hum...

Hilliary Clinton told reporters in Pennsylvania on Tuesday: "So I made a mistake. That happens. It shows I'm human, which for some people is a revelation." NO; It demonstrates that she is a calculating LIAR just like her philandering and patently dishonest husband (Bill Clinton).

Doesn’t this remind you of the swaggering, finger wagging, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”, episode. It is unbelievable! Just a “blip” she called it. NO; it is flagrant dishonesty and it is serious! All along she has been running her campaign touting all her “experience” and now she has been exposed for the fabricator that she is. Most anyone with a brain knew she was a windbag anyway, but here it is obvious and in living colour! She is trying to simply shrug it off , but it should ruin her campaign… we’ll see if my American friends decide that it is just another day on the campaign or if it really brings home to the people just what kind of person, and people, they are dealing with in Clinton & Clinton corp. They should have already known… but this is really painfully obvious.

Most of us would remember, quite precisely, if we came under sniper fire... or not! 

Monday, March 24, 2008

Beyond Obama's Beauty - February 14, 2008 - The New York Sun

Beyond Obama's Beauty - February 14, 2008 - The New York Sun
Another view!

Convictions : Endorsing Obama

Convictions : Endorsing Obama
More interesting developments with respect to Obama. This fellow is obviously anti-Iraq war and anti-bush and therefore anti McCain. But to through aside all your other conservative principles and values for this cause and with such a slim and unfounded hope that Obama "might" give regard to other perspectives... quite a leap!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama's Race Speech

Hi… I’m Baaaaccckkk…!

I had the audacity (hee, hee, hee…) yesterday to send a rather positive note, and a link to a copy of Barrack Obama’s speech, to a few of my friends. The response has been pointed and wonderful and indeed has caused me to examine some of my own thinking. It has also served as a reminder to myself that I likely out to engage in some deeper analysis of the content before I get taken away with the face value of a good orator’s words.

Here is my text, followed by some selected comments of friends. (they can ID themselves and post their entire remarks if they so desire):


I believe in many things... One of which is that I believe in giving credit where credit is due.

Many of Obama’s far left liberal views are an anathema to my strongly held conservative positions and I think that in many of the policies he has voted for he has been severely misguided as they generally do not, in my view, square with his professed Christianity. However, this particular speech is fabulous (with the exception of his reference to global warming) and if, perchance, he actually believes what he is saying then we are in for a real show!

I would recommend that you take a few minutes and read it... I think it will find its place in history with the best speeches.

If Obama really wanted to Change things he would ask Romney to be his running mate!

Best regards & have a great day.


From F.
A great speech but way off the mark. The people and events he has compared with equanimity with the teachings of his pastor, are ridiculous. How can one honestly compare Geraldine Ferraro's iscolated, if improper remark - or those of his white mother, with Pastor Wright asserting - that the US govt. infected Blacks with aids... that the USA is the KKK of better than Alqueda... etc. etc…… To me, Obama saying he was ignorant of his views, doesn't pass the laugh test.

From D1.
I read the speech as well and saw some of it on CNN...I believe he has 'whitewashed' the affair. The fact is he has been an attendee and a supporter of that Pastor for 20 years or so...even having him on has campaign committee until mere weeks ago....marriage, blessing their kids etc. and the comments of Michelle Obama a month or so ago re finally a chance to have an America I can believe in...or something along those lines...I think for sure that both she and Barrack are greatly influenced by Pastor Wright... A telling comment, for me anyway, was the thing about "many of us have heard stuff from the pulpit we do not agree with".....well I think the hate from that pulpit crossed racial and patriotic and Christian boundaries... I think, actually, his speech was a load of crap.

From D2.
I used to think that Obama was an empty suit that speaks pretty. Now, I think that he speaks pretty and has a hidden agenda… Wife Michelle's comments a couple of weeks ago about having never been proud of her country her whole adult life...Barrack's failure to salute or place his hand over his heart during the pledge...his insistance that wearing a lapel flag pin was "Republican" all makes sense in the context of his attending this church… Most decent people would get up and walk out on sermons like this, but did you hear the cheers and applause for the Rev. Wright? And what about Obama's children (ages 6 and 9)? I guess the Obama's don't see anything wrong with indoctrinating their children with anti-American hate speech.

As for the speech, it was pretty. Just like all of Obama's speeches...he's good. But for substance and truth, it doesn't hold a candle to Romney's speech.