Tuesday, March 25, 2008

YouTube - CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.

YouTube - CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.

"I miss spoke." Ha...ha...ha...hee...hee...hee...ho...ho...ho... The case of the lying Clinton. Ho hum...

Hilliary Clinton told reporters in Pennsylvania on Tuesday: "So I made a mistake. That happens. It shows I'm human, which for some people is a revelation." NO; It demonstrates that she is a calculating LIAR just like her philandering and patently dishonest husband (Bill Clinton).

Doesn’t this remind you of the swaggering, finger wagging, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”, episode. It is unbelievable! Just a “blip” she called it. NO; it is flagrant dishonesty and it is serious! All along she has been running her campaign touting all her “experience” and now she has been exposed for the fabricator that she is. Most anyone with a brain knew she was a windbag anyway, but here it is obvious and in living colour! She is trying to simply shrug it off , but it should ruin her campaign… we’ll see if my American friends decide that it is just another day on the campaign or if it really brings home to the people just what kind of person, and people, they are dealing with in Clinton & Clinton corp. They should have already known… but this is really painfully obvious.

Most of us would remember, quite precisely, if we came under sniper fire... or not! 


Dawn said...

Wow. That's quite a damning news story. Wonder how she'll back peddle out of that one...there's something about that woman that makes me really uncomfortable....perhaps I don't have to wonder what it is so much anymore.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that that is only the tip of the iceberg as to the things that make you feel uncomfortable about her... think White Water,... think Vince Foster...etc.etc..