Thursday, April 15, 2010

Conservative News: Aging world population is a profound crisis. - HUMAN EVENTS

Conservative News: Aging world population is a profound crisis. - HUMAN EVENTS

I've been pondering these issues for some time... I'm glad to see that some others are as well. However there are not nearly enough people considering these issues... and they are very OBVIOUS problems. The answer to one nagging question continues to allude me however. Why do our political elites - across the Western World - promote and adopt policies that are so brazenly deleterious to the propagation of the caucasian race? I can't find any logical explanation. This should in no way be seen as "racist" or "white supremacist" in any way shape or form. Other racial and cultural groups readily celebrate themselves and properly take pride in their heritage, history and racial and cultural characteristics. We, as caucasians, should do, and be free to do, the same without regret or apology. (I like the the title of Mitt Romney's new book and the attitude it represents.) We have done some great things! Created some great... perhaps the greatest governing systems for the promotion and maintenance of freedom and liberty. Problems? Yes certainly... mistakes? Of course... like everyone else we are human and and prone to human foibles. I would argue though that our great moments are far more numerous and far greater in substance than are our negative ones. We should celebrate our successes, our freedoms... and our existence and learn and improve from our mistakes and look to a brilliant future.

However the negative, apologetic and seemingly shame-filled handwringing and head hanging that has been going on now for some time, especially amongst our elites, has got to be overcome.

I have noticed that in each generation there seems to be some looming, "sky is falling" crisis that makes "us" look "bad". Whether it is the population boom, the oil crisis, or now the "global warming... er... global cooling... er climate change" junk science that has been slapped on us by the likes of Al Gore and his minions to attempt to make "us" feel badly and ashamed of our industrial and technological prowess and progress. It is simply absurd!

In the Western World (meaning "western" in an historical and cultural sense) our political elites need to start THINKING about, and DOING something about these problems, instituting policies that will increase "our" numbers. OR we will soon, like has befallen our part in Europe, be facing our own take over by the Muslims, or the Latin Americans ( and they have many of their own great traditions and accomplishments) or others and the demise of our own race. And what, logically, would be the point of that? What is wrong with being "white" and celebrating it and increasing our own numbers?... Hello!

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