Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Israel Navy commandos: Gaza flotilla activists tried to lynch us - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israel Navy commandos: Gaza flotilla activists tried to lynch us - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

With all the "International" outcry and lockstep denunciations of Isreal... some balance and THINKING are required. I would point out that the elite Israeli forces are highly trained and disciplined and do not go in to situations hap-hazardly and guns ablaze in an undisciplined fashion.

Did anyone happen to hear or READ.... imagine that, actually read accounts of what happened rather that just listen to the 20 second sound bites or glance the headlines before giving in to "outrage"... This group of boats was "Ordered" to turn about and cease its course. They refused and were boarded. Some then reacted with violence... So what the hell do you expect... HELLO???? I suppose that it might have been better to have allowed the hapless group to continue in and proceed into territorial waters where they then could have been declared enemy combatants and literally blown out of the water... Hmmmm what do you think?

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